Thank you girl
D#Oh oh yG#ou be goD#od to mG#e you maD#de me glad when B7I was D#blue and G#eternaD#lly I'll G#always D#be in B7love with D#you and G#all I gotta B7do is G#thank you girl, B7thank you girl. I could tell the world a thing or two about our love I know little girl only a fool would doubt our love and all I gotta do is thank you girl, thank you girl. CmThank you girl for Fmloving me the B7way that you do that you do Fmthat's the kind of B7love that is too D#good to be true and G#all I gotta B7do is G#thank you girl, B7thank you girl. You be good to me you made me glad when I was blue and eternally I'll always be in love with you and all I gotta do is thank you girl, thank you girl oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh. |
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Datum vytvoření :2013-12-20T20:12:09.66+00:00
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